

open for work

hello friend, this is neeraj. i love beautiful design and i love to code. generally curious, mostly optimistic. a cybersecurity professional transitioning to software engineering, learning and building applications for fun.

things that i can work with

  • >languages:Typescript, Go, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • >libraries/frameworks:React, Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, Tailwind CSS
  • >backend:ORMs - Prisma, Drizzle, REST APIs, Relational DBMS
  • >design:Figma
  • >others:Git & GitHub, Linux, Docker

things that i like to do

i like to take photos. i should probably make a full page displaying my photos. but here are some of them made during my college days.


things that i want to do

i always wanted to make a movie. apart from that i want to go Iceland, learn a martial art and play music. i want to learn to cook, run a 10K, build a SaaS and learn skating. i'd also like a camper van.

things that i'm proud of

i have always been the guy who turns down plans. but this year, i went to Thailand with my boys. also went to a concert, an IPL match. i'm also very proud that i quit the job i didn't like and that i'm pursuing what i've always wanted to do.

things that i live by

or at least try to

  • I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and impossible. The only true failure is shrinking away from life's challenges.

    Friedrich Nietzsche

  • The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.

    Albert Camus

reach out to me