hello friend, this is neeraj. i love beautiful design and i love to code. generally curious, mostly optimistic. a cybersecurity professional transitioning to software engineering, learning and building applications for fun.
things that i can work with
- >languages:Typescript, Go, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- >libraries/frameworks:React, Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, Tailwind CSS
- >backend:ORMs - Prisma, Drizzle, REST APIs, Relational DBMS
- >design:Figma
- >others:Git & GitHub, Linux, Docker
things that i like to do
i like to take photos. i should probably make a full page displaying my photos. but here are some of them made during my college days.
things that i want to do
i always wanted to make a movie. apart from that i want to go Iceland, learn a martial art and play music. i want to learn to cook, run a 10K, build a SaaS and learn skating. i'd also like a camper van.
things that i'm proud of
i have always been the guy who turns down plans. but this year, i went to Thailand with my boys. also went to a concert, an IPL match. i'm also very proud that i quit the job i didn't like and that i'm pursuing what i've always wanted to do.
things that i live by
or at least try to
I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and impossible. The only true failure is shrinking away from life's challenges.
Friedrich Nietzsche
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.
Albert Camus
reach out to me